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50p from every ticket sold for Eleven98’s Social Dining is donated to each of these Hackney charities...

Hackney Foodbank, a charity supported by Eleven98
St Joseph's Hospice, a charity supported by Eleven98
ecoACTIVE, a charity supported by Eleven98

Hackney Foodbank is a registered charity founded by local churches and community groups in 2012, working together towards stopping hunger in our local area. They are a voluntary organisation and rely on the dedication of our local community to keep going! The Food bank work with over 170 local partners and are supported by countless more community organisations through food donations and other means of support.


Since opening in 2012, the charity has provided the ingredients for more than 92,000 meals to local people from the borough who have found themselves in financial crisis. “We don’t think anyone in our community should have to face going hungry. That’s why we provide three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to us in crisis. We are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK”.

St. Joseph's Hospice first opened on Hackney's Mare Street in 1905 and for over 100 years it has been caring for and supporting people affected by serious illness. The hospice is a registered charity and aims to improve the quality of life for people with life-limiting conditions and help them live their lives to the full to the very end. Supporting families and carers is also a vital part of what the hospice provides.

St. Joseph's was badly damaged when bombs fell on Hackney in the Second World War and the building underwent major reconstruction in 1945. Over the course of a century St. Joseph's Hospice has demonstrated that it can adapt and change with the times, while still maintaining its original mission and remaining rooted within its local community.

ecoACTIVE is an innovative environmental education charity based in the Kingsmead Kabin at Hackney Marshes, with a reputation for using hands-on, practical approaches to explore complex issues of sustainability. ecoACTIVE envisions a world where young people and communities are agents of change for creating a better planet. They design and deliver interactive workshops to empower people to take meaningful action on sustainability.


The charity creates eye-opening experiences for children and adults alike, running workshops in schools, projects in parks, community gardens, and projects with community groups and housing associations.  ecoActive is a unique locally-driven initiative aimed at getting Londoners more engaged in sustainability through interactive workshops and learning activities. They embrace the concept of “Think Global; Act Local”, by helping school and community groups to understand critical global issues and the small actions they can take to make a difference.

So by supporting Eleven98, you’re also helping to make a positive difference in the borough and far beyond

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